Develop. Sustain. Share.
Expression shares your commitment to promoting social and environmental issues. We believe that sustainable development and sustainable web development go hand-in-hand.
Ever since it’s been in business (over 20 years now) Expression has worked closely and extensively with NGOs and Non-Profit organizations. We have worked on web and other digital projects dealing with a number of topics including:
Corporate Social Responsibility | Environmental Sustainability
Human Rights | Social Development | Health & Wellness
Partners we’ve worked with
Expression believes in building relationships that last. We are a friendly company whose dedication to delivering quality products keeps our partners coming back to us project after project.
Various branches of the UN | Nobel Women’s Initiative | Columbia University | SickKids Hospital
Canadian Co-operative Association | Trans Canada Trail | Fair Trade Canada | CHF
Family Care International | Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada
Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) | The North-South Institute | UNFPA
Women’s Commission for Refugee | Women and Children | GBC | Planned Parenthood | ACDP
World Bank
Nobel Women’s Initiative
Columbia University
SickKids Hospital
Canadian Co-operative Association
Trans Canada Trail
Fair Trade Canada
Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada
Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)
The North-South Institute
Women’s Commission for Refugee
Women and Children
Planned Parenthood
World Bank
Partners we’ve worked with
Expression believes in building relationships that last. We are a friendly company whose dedication to delivering quality products keeps our partners coming back to us project after project.
- "Thanks to Expression Web Solutions---a team so easy to work with(!)---our new website design is smart, dynamic, professional, and easy to navigate. Each page reflects who we are as a company and invites visitors to learn more. See for yourself: contraceptivetechnology.com"
A Human Approach
We understand that for many of our clients, their web project is their first experience in the world of online publishing. We also understand that this first experience can seem daunting. Our goal is to make that experience as enjoyable and successful as possible. On a completely different level, we often work with very experienced individuals or entire IT departments. These clients will appreciate a relationship where they can speak their tech language and be understood, and where solutions are given priority over problems.

Green Communication Design Inc.
It's more than just DESIGN: it's about the ISSUESPartner since 1997, Green Communication Design brings their unique social impact design expertise to our projects.
What makes our synergy unique? What do we offer, that others seem to fall short on? Green came together with a common goal: creatives with a passion to use their talents to shape attitudes and foster knowledge, bringing over 19 years od sociak Impact Design to the table.
Their products include Annual Reports, Magazines, Organizational Branding and all other printed and PDF deliverables.
For more information on Green, please visit their website at greencom.ca

Vous avez un projet en tête? Contactez-nous, on est sympathique!
Votre site web est une extension virtuelle de votre entreprise. Ne laissez rien au hasard; laissez-nous vous accompagner pour mener vos projets à bien. Que ce soit pour plus d’information sur l’un de nos services ou encore pour une soumission, nous serons heureux de discuter de votre projet avec vous.
Dites bonjour !